Covid 19 Policy
If you are feeling unwell or have been in contact with someone in the last 10 days who is not well, please cancel your appointment and we will reschedule you for a future appointment at no charge.
Runways Studios Covid 19 plan updated Jan 2022
Client Rules:
Cancel if you are not feeling well in anyway. No cancelation fees will apply – just appreciation.
Please remain in your car until appointment time. Then come in the front door and remain on the mat. We will check your temperature and asses your health. Anyone running a fever or coughing will not be served and their appointment rescheduled.
Please wear a mask upon entering and as you leave the treatment room. If you do not have one – one will be provided.
Please use the sanitization set up at the front when you enter as directed. Service clients will be immediately taken to wash their hands before service commences.
Please wash you hands thoroughly before service commences.
Please be mindful of time and clients waiting in cars for their services – sterilization takes extra time.
Please bring just your form of payment. No big purses/backpacks.
All forms of payment accepted. cash, visa, debit
Please do not touch the products – The staff at Runways Studios will be happy to assist you.
Please refrain from hugging – new practice for us – this will protect, you, your beauty technician and those coming behind you for services.
Need physical assistance, please tell us in advance and we will meet you at the door. Visitors are currently not welcomed.
All services and product pick ups will be by appointment only. Curbside pick up will remain in effect.
Clients are forbidden from coming if:
Client is directed by Public Health to self isolate.
Client has recently traveled outside of of the country or come close contact with a traveler from outside of the country, must self isolate for 14 days before services will be rendered.
Clients that have been identified by Public Health as a close contact of someone with Covid-19
Client has had Covid 19 symptoms or been in contact with someone with the Covid 19 must refrain from coming and self isolate for 14 days and monitor the symptoms to adjust isolation time accordingly.
Covid-19 Symptoms – fever or chills, new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, new muscle aches, headaches, loss of appetite, loss of sense of smell or taste, extreme fatigue or tiredness, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
Client must have one healthy day before coming for services and a negative Covid 19 test. For example – client is sick on Monday and Tuesday but feels better on Wednesday. They can not come on Wednesday. You will need to wait until Thursday to return. Wednesday being the one healthy day before services.
Sterilization and Sanitization Enhanced – How We are keeping you safe. Covid 19 – Service Procedures/ Technician / Front Desk Enhanced Protocols:
Practicing impeccable hand washing often- this is our best defense. Upon arrival, before and after clients, after cleaning, before and after eating and of course after using the bathroom. Signage is posted in staff room on how to wash your hands properly and how to stop the spread of Covid-19.
All staff will enter wearing a mask, wash their hands and take their own temperature upon arrival.
Masks will be worn at all time except in the staff room for rehydration and eating. -
If any staff member is unwell, their appointments will be canceled, and they will remain at home until they have been well for a day. That said staff member then will go through the motions of getting a COVID-19 test before returning to work if warranted by the Health Department. We are all in this together and will do out best to keep out clients, families, and selves safe. We will follow the procedures and protocols laid out by Health Departement and we will respect and follow all guidelines required to prevent the spread of the virus. Every situation is different, each situations risk will be analysed and followed through accordingly.
Every booking receives an email stating the Clients Rules regarding Covid-19.
Cancelation fees are waived – no penalties for last minute cancelations if Covid 19 related.
There is no longer a waiting area – all chairs and couches have been removed.
Services will be limited to ensure clients are kept safe, booked appointments will be staggered to prevent more then one person at a time in the front area.
Service days have been limited.
Covid-19 policies and procedures are located on our website and our Facebook page is directed to it for the rules.
Each technician will have a room that they are fully responsible to set up, clean and sterilize after every client. Each technician will be given extra time to complete this task after every service.
Every room, equipment and linens will be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized between clients.
Front area will be wiped down and sterilized after every client, including all doors, handles, products, switches, pos, surfaces – the floors will be vacuumed and washed regularly.
The bathroom will be cleaned and sterilized after each client and staff.
Every surface touched by the client will be wiped and sterilized including products accidently handled by clients that did not know the rules. Clients are not allowed to handle the products.
Disinfecting surfaces will be done with an registered disinfectant (Bacterial, Viricidal and Fungicidal). Contact time for disinfect to work will be observed on labels.
All equipment/brushes used will be thoroughly cleaned and sterilized. Standards we have always had, but with added care. Disposable brushes and applicators will be used whenever possible.
Each technician upon entering the room whereby a client is no longer wearing a mask, will be wearing a mask, to protect themselves and the client. This will be worn through out the service.
Virus can not be absorbed by the skin. During service we will wear gloves.
Mirrors are kept in the back and sterilized after every use.
New Covid-19 Work Schedule
Services by Appointment Only
One client at a time. We will sterilize touch points between customers. All customers must wear a mask to enter – no exceptions.
If you can not wear a mask, we can assist you by phone but we are not able to service you